In a nutshell, part II

In the spirit of reflection from my previous post about my semester as a music editor at Vox magazine, here’s another list of end-of-semester lessons I’ve learned from the endeavor. I can say with certainty that this position has been the most challenging and enriching academic experiences I’ve ever had, and I’ve heard through the grapevine […]

In a nutshell, part I

The past four months have been a whirlwind. The academic semester is officially over. I’ve filled in my final scantron sheets, uploaded my final projects and turned in my final evaluations. Until next spring, that is, and by then I’ll probably be so much of a puddle of tears and reminiscence and happiness for graduation […]

Vagina Talks

In light of my past two blog entries about a woman’s role in the family and the workplace, as well as one man’s desire to avoid raising multiracial children, I have to say that I’m extremely excited that tomorrow marks the BEGINNING OF VAGINA SEASON. I’ll be returning for my second year on cast of […]

Dear Prudence

I think “Dear Columnist” entries can be interesting. Would you write in to have your problems cast in a public sphere and possibly judged by many in a negative manner, if you were granted anonymity? I don’t think I would. I found this particular piece on Feministing about a man who is Caucasian and has […]

Conversations Over Pokey Sticks

This story starts a couple weeks ago, but in light of recent articles and issues circulating the media realm, it seems relevant to bring it up again. Early in November, when it was unseasonably warm and I was reveling in being able to wear shorts again, I was grabbing Gumby’s with a friend. We were […]

Finding Yohanita

This week in lecture, we watched the documentary “Reporter,” which follows New York Times columnist Nick Kristof on his trip to report on ethnic conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As Katherine had mentioned in her blogpost previewing what to expect this week, the film didn’t just expose the horrors of war and genocide […]

Three weeks

There are three more weeks of school left. Two weeks of classes, then one last push for finals. A lot can happen in three weeks. You could hike the first several hundred miles of Caleb McMurry’s Appalachian Trail route. You could see 1,500 dozen Stanton Brothers eggs come through MU’s dining facilities. You could drive […]

Listen to This

My very first interview for the Missourian was also one of my longest to date. For just over 100 minutes, Dan and Teresa Nelson told me about their marriage, family, business backgrounds and preparation to start Giggles Thrift Shop. That first encounter, which also brought along another hour-long follow-up, taught me something pretty valuable: the […]

Four Years Later, Part III

As I was leaving the newsroom, I had a decision to make. Go home and sleep, or go out and vote. The choice was pretty clear. I also had to decide whether to cast my vote at the central polling locations on campus, or drive out to my regular polling place on the west side […]

Four Years Later, Part I

My memory is very selective. It’s good at facial recognition and dates, but not so great with facts and numbers. That being said, I remember exactly where I was on Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2008. It was a sunny, warmer day than it was today, which has been cloudy and periodically rainy. Back four years ago, […]